Friday, 12 April 2013


Steps To CreateBooTablePendrive 1. Insert your USB in your CPU (atleast of 4GB). And make sure that you retrieve all your files and folders from it since we are about to format it. 2. Now open “Command Prompt” on your system. Follow the path to open command prompt Start>All programs>Accessories>right click on Command Promptand selectrun as administrator . 3. Now as soon as Command Prompt window prompt type following command: -DISKPARTfollow byEnterandgrant permissionif your system promptforpermission. -LIST DISKfollows byEnter. This command will display list of disk available on your system. As you can see that I got 2 disks on my system from which my drive is disk no.1 4. Sorryfora big list of Command, but if you want to make your USB asbootablethentype the following command simultaneously follow byEnter. Don’t bother about the command just type it: - SELECT DISK 1 (Replace DISK 1 with your disk number) + ENTER - CLEAN + ENTER - CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY + ENTER - SELECT PARTITION 1 + ENTER - ACTIVE + ENTER - FORMAT FS=NTFS + ENTER (Formatting May Take Few Seconds) - ASSIGN + ENTER - EXIT + ENTER Now insert your window7 dvd and copy all contents of dvd to pen drive. then restart your computer and presr del or f2 for bios setting and choose removable device as first boot device.NOW YOU ARE DONE ENJOY THE TRICK!

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