Friday, 12 April 2013

How to Set Your Desired things as icon, text color and Background Image of a pen drive

A.Using “Desktop.ini” Hack to Set Wallpaper as Background Image and give a particular text color of the pen drive.The process is very similar to add a background and text color in a Windows folder. Also See: How to set our desired photo as a folder background image Now open Notepad and paste following code: [ ExtShellFolderViews] {BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} = {BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} [{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}] Attributes=1 IconArea_Image=image name IconArea_Text=0x00000000 Now change "image name" with the wallpaper which you want to set as background. Suppose the wallpaper is “xxx.jpg", then the code will be as following [ExtShellFolderViews] {BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} = {BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} [{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}] Attributes=1 IconArea_Image=xxx.jpg IconArea_Text=0x00000000 NOTE:- For adding xxx.jpg wallpaper as pendrives backgrounds it should be present inside the pen drive. "IconArea_Text" stands for the text color, you can change it to white, yellow, blue, black or any other color. You just need to know the hexa-decimal number of the color andthen replace the code in"IconArea_Text" section. A few most used color codes are as follows: Black - 0x00000000 White - 0x00FFFFFF Green - 0x0000FF00 Blue - 0x00FF0000 Purple - 0x00C000C0 Red - 0x000000FF Yellow - 0x0000FFFF Indigo - 0x00FFFF00 Now save the notepad file as “Desktop.ini” (excluding quotes) and save it inside the pen drive. Now close and reopen the pen can enjoy the change. B. for adding a personal icon to pen drive , you have to hack a “autorun.inf” fileNow open Notepad and paste following code: [autorun] OPEN=an.exe file name ICON=an .ico file name LABEL=pendive name “an.exe file name” is stands for a file which you want to execute when youpin the pen drive to your system. You can change it. Suppose you want to execute “xxx.exe” when you pin the pendrive to your system. Then the code will be like: [auto run] OPEN=xxx.exe ICON=an .ico file name LABEL=pendive name “an.ico file name” is stands for the icon which you want to see when youpin the pen drive to your system You can change it. Suppose you want to see “xxx.ico” when you pin the pendrive to your system. Then the code will be like: [autorun] OPEN=xxx.exe ICON=xxx.ico LABEL=pendive name “Pendive name” stands for the name of the pendrive. Suppose name of your pen drive is “MIHIRBABU”. Then the code will be like: [autorun] OPEN=xxx.exe ICON=xxx.ico LABEL=MIHIRBABU Now save this note pad file as “autorun.inf” (excluding quotes) inside the pen drive. NOTE: For change of icon the icon file (here “xxx.ico”) should present inside the pen drive. Now remove the pen drive and pin it and enjoy the change. NOTE: If you have installed an antivirus which can delete or block autorun.inf file. Then autorun.inf file will be blocked and you are unable to see the change.

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